God my Redeemer

God my Redeemer

Ruth 2:10 “ So she fell on her face, bowed down to the ground  and said to him, ‘Why have I found favor in your eyes, that you should take notice of me, since I am a foreigner”

Ruth was a widow, a gentile and we all know her story and how God blessed her. She turned from her former things and said to Naomi, “Your people are my people, and your God, my God”. Boaz was a wealthy man and we can read how he shows her favor and redeems her. Once, I happened to chat with an online Hebrew language teacher from Israel. I was so excited about the whole thing and thought I would get some Hebraic insight of the Torah from him. I even told the teacher that he was so blessed that he could read the Bible in his own mother tongue. But later, I was shocked to discover that he is an atheist. I was asking God how was that possible that somebody who knows the Bible and yet not believe in God. And in return God asked me “Now tell me, who is blessed?” At this, I fell on my knees and cried out “Yes Lord, it’s me! I am the one who is blessed!” Then I realized, it’s not essential to read the Torah in your mother-tongue but it is, to know who your Father is!

The story of Ruth became so real to me. She, a gentile, found favor from Boaz and he redeemed her. God could have blessed Naomi like He did Sarah at her old age. But He showed mercy on Ruth. I was born in a Hindu family worshipping alien gods. But, out of the abundance of His mercy, He chose me, took notice of me, a foreigner. What an awesome God we serve. He is YHVH Ha Go-el, my God my Redeemer!

-Reena Thomas

Image credit: https://wearefearfullymade.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/ruthgleaning-reapers-in-background.jpg


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