Author: nlfhsr

Being doers of the Word and not just hearers!

Sermon by Cornelius Jaikar The preacher started with meditating on Ezekiel 33:31-32 and said that a similar behaviour is prevalent these days too where people go to church for a variety of reasons including charismatic speakers, technologically advanced setup, good music and sound, fellowship, opportunities to dress up, and convenient timings. Even churches are catering…
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Centrality of Christ in our lives

Sermon by Ps. Alwin The preacher talked about the centrality of Christ in our lives and our expected behaviour as disciples. God is the only person we need and is actually all we really need so let us remember that this holiday season we can take a break from every other thing but not from…
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Sermon by Ps. George

The preacher used the analogy of an air show and asked us to ponder over how we would categorise ourselves if the church were to be an compared with an air show. He then explained that a churchgoer must not remain an audience to enjoy the performance on each Sunday but rather be like the…
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Christian Living

Sermon by Ps. Alwin The preacher said that Christian living can also be called Christ-in living/in Christ living. As in Galatians 2:20, can we as Christians declare that is no longer we who live but it is Christ who lives in us? We reflected on Romans chapter 8 and saw that we are indebted to…
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Sermon Gist: Ego This sermon on ego and dealing with it started with a reflection on: What ego is: What you consider yourself; your opinion of yourself and your abilities. Structure of our ego: Believes about our personality, believes about our talent, and believes about our abilities. It is a mental construct of our self…
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The Biblical Framework for Healing and Restoration

Sermon by Ps. George on October 3, 2021 The Biblical Framework for Healing and RestorationThe preacher talked about the life-controlling problem of sin and how certain behavior patterns developed before we came to salvation seem to control us even after we receive salvation and get into a community called the church. The verses we reflected…
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Why do you follow Jesus?

Sermon by Ps. George on Sept 5  Every now and then we need an audit of our Christian walk. The first instruction Jesus gave was: Follow me! We start following Him but need course correction. We need constant examination of where we are going. The cross/gospel must grow as the focal point of our life.…
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Mission Sunday Sermon

By Pastor Gopinathan The celebration of Mission Sunday with churches across NLF was an occasion to recommit ourselves to Church’s vision i.e. Establishment of Christ centered churches, built in Holy Spirit and on words of God. Wherever we might be in the journey of our lives, we can still choose to be part of this…
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Are you spiritually fit?

Sermon Reflection: The sermon by Ps. Luke was a stock-taking time for us to reflect and gauge the levels of our spiritual fitness. He presented 8 characteristics of living things to help us draw parallels in our Christian walk. Just like living beings need food, we must nurture ourselves daily through God’s word which is…
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A Character Study on Josiah:

A Character Study on Josiah: A child who became a King, A King who became a Zealot, A Zealot who became the last man standing. As we delved into the life of Josiah, the context of his life was taken into picture. We notice that the lineage of Josiah was an unstable one- Unstable in…
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