Why do you follow Jesus?

Why do you follow Jesus?

Sermon by Ps. George on Sept 5

 Every now and then we need an audit of our Christian walk. The first instruction Jesus gave was: Follow me! We start following Him but need course correction. We need constant examination of where we are going. The cross/gospel must grow as the focal point of our life. If not, we are going in a wrong direction and need audits.

In 1 Cor 11:28, Paul exhorts us to examine yourselves. Revelation 2 is like a report card of churches: Jesus walks along the lamp stands and audits the churches. The preacher asked us to consider some possible reasons why we follow Jesus:

  • Pain: Do we follow Him to deal with pain like the lady with the issue of blood? It is not wrong that pain leads us to Jesus but is it what keeps us going? Jesus healed 10 lepers but only one who was a Samaritan came back. When pain goes, people go away too.
  • Profit/presents: Judas thought Jesus would be king in the earthly sense and he would get a ministry in His kingdom. When that hope failed, he sold Jesus to make a profit. Many followers left Jesus when they did not get the profit they expected (John 6:47-51 and John 6:66-68). Are we follow Jesus because of what we can get from him?
  • Provision/ration: Do I follow Him to get food/sustenance every month? Like those in John 6:26?
  • Power/position: Do you enjoy power that comes from Him? Like Simon the sorcerer who wanted power (Acts 8:9-13)? Is it power or the person that you want? Or is it the position as an elder, apostle, and prophet that matters to you? Mrs. Zebedee wanted her two sons to get prime positions in the reign of Israel’s potential king (Matthew 20:20-24).
  • Parents/pattern: Following what your parents did? Doing what you are used to or comfortable doing? Basically traditions…
  • People vs. Person: Fellowship with the community and fun will end if we don’t follow the person of Jesus?
  • Perfection vs Person: The greatest temptation is to be holy without God. John 3:5 shows us a Pharisee who is perfect by law. But Jesus tells him that he cannot reach God without Him. The question in his heart was: Am I perfect enough to go to heaven? Can you endorse me?
  • Pension vs. Person: Do not follow for the pension/heavenly mansion (John 14:1-2) but miss the person of Jesus?
  • Personal issues: Damaged and need security? Reaffirm self-worth? Feel significant? When Jesus comes into your life, these needs are met. But you still need Jesus.
  • Purpose: Following Jesus makes sense because it gives me a sense of purpose? In Matthew 16:13-18, Peter answered who Christ is but can you answer the same question about who Jesus is for you? Peter got the purpose correct but missed the person. John 21:15-47 shows a course-correction for Peter by Jesus. Our relationship with Jesus determines our mission and vision. If He asks you: Do you love me? How would you answer?

The preacher said our real reason for following Jesus should be because we fell in love with the person of Jesus. He is a good shepherd who never leaves you even when you fall out of love of him. Zacchias thought: He loves those whom no one loves. Will He love me? Mary and her friend went to embalm Jesus. There was nothing to be obtained from the dead Jesus but it was the body of the one they loved.

Look at your idols and audit your life. Who are you following? If the motivation is anything other than Jesus and your love for Him, return to your first love (Revelation 2:1-7).