The Race

Sermon by Ps. George
The preacher compared Christian life to a race (Hebrews 12:1-2) and reminded us that our goal is to run to Jesus. He then made us think about what are goals currently are? Career/rat race to reach the top in office? This is in contrast with Jesus who was on top and came down/“de-promoted” himself to be with us. Do we have such a mindset to climb down and serve people with humility?
Since Jesus has already run our race and knows the course, we need to focus on Him to reach the finish line. If not, there are many distraction and sins that trap us. We listed a few of our distractions and then pastor discussed two of them: Pornography and consumerism. When addicted to porn, chemical changes happen and a pleasure pathway opens affecting the hormones in the body (which God actually gave for natural relationships). We are trapped and need external help. Consumerism is covetousness and idolatry and greed. It is subtle; at least with porn people repent or struggle but they justify/defend consumerism and feel no shame in indulging in it (When we get a discount, we feel like a winner/I worked for it and it is my money however i wish to spend it).
The only way to disentangle is to look to Christ (Colossians 3:1: If you have are raised with Christ, seek the things that are above and not on the earth. Put to death everything that is earthly…). This putting off/putting to death requires choking/starving the desires that mislead. Let us remember to deal with them and not sweep them under the carpet.