Tag: sunday

Beauty from Ashes by Rohini George

Scars reminds us of wound, pain, hurt or imperfection. When we are hurt physically, it bleeds and a scab is formed which eventually forms a scar. Physical scars can be seen and we can witness it healing. But emotional scars cannot be seen and can only be felt by the one who has gotten hurt. We can’t watch it physically healing, yet these scars are there for a purpose.

Working for God by Suresh Joel

One look at popular media and the people around and you will realize how resentful people are towards their boss and work in general. Either this or there is another extreme: Workaholics whose life revolves around work. Genesis 2:15 tells us that God intended man to work when He put him in the garden of…
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Make a Joyful Noise unto God by George Cherian

The sermon this week was a sequel of what was shared last week, “Preparing for Sunday Worship”. It’s always not enough how much we worship our God! How do we worship the Lord? Do we look at how others are doing? Are our hands too heavy to lift up? Are we in fear of ridicule….what…
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Preparing for Sunday Worship by George Cherian

Concept of community is biblical as God himself is a community. The Trinity shows the relationship of love between the Father, Son and the Holy spirit. They work together in unity. It is the plan of God to create community on this Earth, a community governed by love. Church is the community of God and…
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A Parent who Models Christ

A father, as the spiritual head of the household, plays an important role in raising a godly generation. He models Christ who fulfills three important functions – the role of a priest, prophet and king. The Scripture exhorts fathers to teach the ways of God to their children. “These commandments that I give you today…
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