Sin – Sermon by Ps. Sahaya

Sin – Sermon by Ps. Sahaya

Reflection on sermon by Ps. Sahay
Topic: Sin

The sermon made me realize that though i may try to stay away from doing wrong things (per what’s in the Bible), still if i refuse authority or do not do what i know is right and must be done, I’m no better as I’m equally sinful. The basis of deciding what sin is, is not what the world or people say but what the Bible tells me.

No matter what we do, the fact remains that we all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). The consequences of sin cannot be avoided and are not only eternal punishment but also the lost fellowship with God in this life too. The other adverse effects include the power of sin over us once we succumb to it. As Pastor said, if you give even an inch, it takes over you. Paul aptly described this in Romans 7:15-24. What then is our hope? As in Romans 7:25, our hope in Christ who delivered us from our sins and it’s consequences by sacrificing himself on the cross.