Sermon by Ps. Luke

Sermon by Ps. Luke

The sermon was based on the study of the book of Colossians that we are doing as part of the church. The preacher started by discussing Colossians chapter 1 that talks about the knowledge of and the supremacy of Christ; the need to replace our idols with Christ. Do we realise the factors that are controlling our heart? This chapter talks about what should actually control our hearts.
Colossians 3:18 onwards mentions wives submitting to their own husbands as is fitting in the Lord. In the God-given order of authority, we should submit not due to the other person’s ability but because the Lord expects us to do so. Maybe we are better than our boss but he/she is the authority that God has placed over us. Men must also remember that they cannot force their wife to submit to them as it is a voluntary submission that the wife makes. This doesn’t mean that the wife should submit even when the man is doing something wrong or things that are not aligned to God. In the same context, we read Ephesians 5 which talks about the man and wife submitting to each other. 
It is the lordship of Christ that determines the submission to others. Besides, just as wives are commanded to submit to their husbands, the husbands are also asked to love their wives. The actual Greek word that is used here means unconditional/sacrificial agape love. Men are supposed to love their wives as Christ loved the church; Jesus who died for us on the cross is an example of this agape love. Even if the wife hurts the man or it is painful to deal with her, the man (as a representative of Christ) is supposed to love her even if he’s hurting inside or feels rejected. Let men remember that they represent Christ in their homes so they have to put the other person above their own self-interest like God.
The guideline for children it is obey their parents who are the God-given authority over children. Once they become parents, they will truly appreciate the value of their own parents. Fathers are instructed not to provoke or irritate the children; they cannot be unforgiving or too controlling or harsh. They need to discipline but not to hurt the children; their responsibilities are to protect, guide, and provide. Studies from the US show that 95% of the children with missing fathers go wayward. Father’s must remember not to punish the children when they are very angry; that time they can keep quiet because when children hear the harsh words, they always have this need to prove that they are worthy. They must not show favouritism as all the children are different but they have to be treated justly. There should be no double standards in life; we have to set a good example because children watch and imitate.
Similarly, the guideline for bondservants is to obey their masters. When we are in a workplace, we have to work as if we are working for the Lord. We can have very difficult managers who may never promote us or can be partial but let’s remember that we are working not for the managers but for the Lord. The preacher shared his example where he had a five-year experience with a bad manager so because of this experience he learnt what not to do when he became a manager himself. When we face challenges at workplace, quitting is not an option. God will teach us important life lessons by using such people in our lives/at workplace. We can switch often but the way God works is that our situation may remain unchanged and we may find the same people everywhere. Pastor added that when he submitted to that manager, the situation changed; he got promoted and his salary increased three times. Let us remember that God works in these ways to transform us.
When we become masters or managers/have people to lead, we should not be nasty. Let us remember that the others who are put in our charge are also God’s creation. We cannot let our personal preferences or equations affect their career. In conclusion, we should be submissive and obedient to God’s word and we should not violate any of His principles.