Are you spiritually fit?
Sermon Reflection:
The sermon by Ps. Luke was a stock-taking time for us to reflect and gauge the levels of our spiritual fitness. He presented 8 characteristics of living things to help us draw parallels in our Christian walk. Just like living beings need food, we must nurture ourselves daily through God’s word which is the bread of life. Breathing words of prayer to our maker is as essential to our survival as drawing in life-giving air. As living beings move, we must ask ourselves if we are moved by the plight of those in the community who need Christ but do not know Him yet. Excretion of spiritually toxic behavior is important for fitness as those who indulge in fleshly cravings will not inherit the kingdom of God (Gal 5:19-26). The verse that really spoke to me from the sermon was 1 John 1:8: If I confess and repent, God will cleanse me from all unrighteousness. Hence, if we feel helpless in overcoming the evil in our flesh, we need not languish as there is this hope and assurance that God, who is almighty, will be our help.
Healthy and live Christians reproduce; Paul addresses Timothy, Titus, and Onesimus as his sons. If we are maturing and growing in Christ by putting Him as the head of our life, we too will be fruitful and give birth to spiritual offspring. Dying to ourselves and responding to God is equally important as it determines the course our lives take. The ultimate aim of our life is to be perfected and transformed into the image of Christ so we must submit to being disciplined by God and respond humbly while carrying our daily cross instead of being stubborn and stiff-necked in the face of hardships. Let us not forget that we are made to worship God, be part of His family, and made to serve humanity. Just like David who served God’s purpose in his generation, we too must find similar commendation from God at the end of our earthly journey.